Saturday, August 29, 2020

Back and Revamped - This is 2020

After a long pause, I am back writing on this blog again. I started another blog, connected to my dad with a longing to reach out to him in spirit, and have those conversations that never happened while he was still alive - so I created sort of a "musings" type of reflection blog because I really ached to reach out to him and share some of the things that were buzzing around in my head. The link is to the right, and it's called "The Stories We Tell". It's about family, connections and lost connections and all the stories of our lives and how they fall down through time, through the decades and generations, and what happens to them as they fall, and how do we keep sharing them. Questions, discoveries, musings and stories.

We are in a critical time right now in our country, and many of us are worried - so worried that we are sad and angry and frustrated. It is a time when leaders tell lies and some people believe them; in fact, some people look to the lying leaders as some sort of saviors and at the same time become a cult of hate, bigotry and deception. It is a time of greed and taking sides and looking at those who are different from us as the "others". It is the most difficult time we have endured in a long while and I hold on fast to hope and the idea that intelligence and compassion and truth will resurface, and win the day. 

In our little home, we are OK. We are holding on to each other, our family, our faith in what is right. We hold fast to daily rituals, baking bread and gardening and sorting and cleaning; and doing good work and cooking good food and being well. There is a virus that has become a world-wide pandemic, the CORONA Virus. It has us sequestered in our homes, afraid, careful, obsessed with ritualistic cleaning and staying safe. It, too, has become a game piece in the steady stream of lies that our current leaders tell. It is terrible and outrageous and hurtful and dangerous. But it is currently where we are at in this country. 

So, I will continue this blog, this journey of words, and try to console myself when I need to let the words out. And try to record all the layers of my life; the good, the bad, the difficult, the times when I must just get it down on "paper", this virtual perpetual sheet of digital paper. 

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