Monday, May 18, 2009

Veggies are growing

This past weekend of sun really made the veggies in our garden happy. I was concerned that I had put the seedlings out too early...some say they are just putting out their seedlings now, some already have...wasn't sure if I had really goofed this up. But, they are looking pretty good. Here is the Swiss Chard, Brussel Sprouts, and Red Leaf Lettuce, getting bigger every day. We had lots of rain, and then it warmed up. That really made it nice for these little plants.

Tonight it is raining again. Warmer, but wet. Good.

And tonights news says there is a bear in Shoreline, last seen less than a mile from our house at Twin Ponds Park! How exciting! I am making sure the cat is inside tonight before I go to bed.

When baking bread is more than it seems

I am thinking that perhaps baking bread is somewhat theraputic, in that it is a simple basic task that one can do, be successful and feel satisfied. It is creating something, fulfilling a need, and providing nourishment. When the world around you seems too chaotic, unfulfilling, and just too damn frustrating to deal with...bake bread!