Getting things in order is the order of the day. I've been helping mom with financial details, and making sure bills are paid. Planning a memorial for Dad sometime in late January. Mom is coping quite well, although she hasn't cried yet. I don't know why, but she seems to have trouble letting her feelings out.
As for me, I have been feeling really exhausted. I make lists, and try to keep things in order. It is what I do. I must add to my priorities: yoga, walks, and sleeping.
We've had a lot of good communication with family. It's really helpful to hear from folks. Being it is Christmas/New Years is seems harder to feel "jolly, joyful and UP" with all that has gone on. I guess that's normal.
I spoke to the hospital about Dad's personal things. Nobody seems to know where they are. I asked the Neptune Society if they perhaps picked his things up. They are looking into it. They told me that now Dad is in a facility in Kent. It's wierd. I don't know what to think about this.