The garden is going through it's Fall changes, and we are harvesting the rest of the tomatoes, and have high hopes for the broccoli. Hoping to harvest some small bunches soon for a tasty dinner vegetable. The Swiss chard is doing great, and we also have some kale, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, and a terribly small pumpkin about the size of a grape that doesn't have much of a chance.
Today is mom's 89th birthday.We are taking her out tomorrow for dinner, and I will take her shopping for something special that she wants. She has heard from some friends today by phone and mail wishing her a happy birthday.
The colors around here are glorious and bright. All the fall leaves are in the midst of changing. It has been raining pretty heavily, too. The brightly colored leaves are stuck to the pavement and it is a perfect picture of Fall when you walk about the neighborhood and tread on the soaked, orange and red leaves, and get one stuck on your shoe, and bring it home, unknowingly, and take it off your shoe, and then decide to keep it because it is a part of the walk that you don't want to forget.