And I have filed for unemployment, though I won't be getting a check for a few weeks apparently. They are so backed up at the Employment Security Office it takes them 4 to 5 weeks to process claims, though when I called once last week I was only on hold for 10 minutes.
Spring is slowly peeking it's head out of the dark, cold, frosty burm that was winter. We still could get snow, of course. But the croccus in my yard are glorious, and when the sun shines and the sky is blue in Seattle, there is nothing quite like it.
Being unemployed means I am using my time differently. And that means I can get things done around the house that I have not had a chance to get to for awhile. Like the linen closet. Our linen closet, being small, and the only linen closet, with exception of the inprovised one across the hall in a recessed alcove that used to be for the stereo, has to be perfectly organized for everything to fit in, and if it gets messed up, it is a disaster. Because once it is messed up, we tend to just open the door, shove something in, and close it quickly before anything can fall out. It becomes a mess gradually, and then builds, so that whoever has the task of folding up towels and putting them away starts to dred opening the linen closet door. So the linen closet is tidy, and neat, and I love it.