I recently found a website, listed on the front page of the Seattle Times this morning, called lordsandladiesofleisure.wordpress.com and it is pretty interesting and amusing. It is, of course, all about being unemployed, and has had alot of hits all around the country.
The garden is looking great. The tomato plants are so big I have to tie them up! Have about a dozen green tomatoes. Already have harvested some nice, tasty, "small" zucchini. Will have to keep an eye on them. Looks like we will have about 20 buttercup squash. Anyone out there want some squash in a couple of weeks?!
Been looking for a place for mom, and she is still hesitant to really consider moving, but at least she is thinking about it a little. We'll talk more about it today, and see if we can go look at some places again next week. She just really needs some community, and she has way too much to take care of now, and I can't help her out as much as she would like me to.
I will blog later about new things I learned at the IDUG meeting about interactive documents, about the garden (my garden diary) and other "very important" things.