The other part of the dilemma is that our old dishwasher is still sitting out on the deck. We have to find an eco-friendly and economically reasonable way to get rid of the non-working dishwasher.
So, washing dishes by hand is really not so bad. And, actually, hand-washing dishes is the kind of task that puts you into a meditative state, so that you can do it while thinking of things that seem important at the time, and all the while you are also getting some work done!
I have heard recently, I think on the radio, that lately people are replacing their DW's less, and choosing to wash dishes by hand. This may be because they are unemployed, and have more time for dishwashing, so they can justify the logic of it. If they were working full time, a dishwasher might just make alot more sense.
Still, at the moment, I am happy with our decision to not replace our dishwasher. And that extra storage space, however quaint it may look with the curtain and all, is sure nice.