I am thinking that perhaps baking bread is somewhat theraputic, in that it is a simple basic task that one can do, be successful and feel satisfied. It is creating something, fulfilling a need, and providing nourishment. When the world around you seems too chaotic, unfulfilling, and just too damn frustrating to deal with...bake bread!
I agree! When Julie and I lived on 18th Ave many, many years ago sometimes on Sunday I would spend most of the day in the kitchen baking bread. I made 100% whole wheat bread. Making a sponge first, letting it rise and then adding more flour. Kneading the dough for a while, letting it rise, kneading it some more, letting it rise, kneading it again and putting it into the pans, letting it rise and then into the oven. During the risings I would get some reading or homework done. Very relaxing...
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