Sunday, November 27, 2011

Who Dares to go Outside?

It's a very rainy day and windy and miserable. If I go out at all it will be to retrieve things from my car, shop, or put out the garbage.

Just worked out and I feel good. Now if I can work harder on losing the pounds, I will be really happy.

Feeling a bit more ready for Christmas. Came home yesterday and Sarah was getting all the decorations out and I just wasn't ready for it! Let her keep up the lights, but the other stuff had to go downstairs until next weekend. Next weekend we'll be getting the tree and doing the whole decoration thing.

It will be so nice to have a vacation, but it is not coming any time soon. The week Pat and I plan to take off next year will be unpaid. Oh, but it will be so worth it!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Emergent Culture


The Occupy Movement has coalesced into a vigorous and promising widespread social movement that seems to be gathering more support every day and that is very heartening indeed.
However, we need more than a movement of protestors and both labels must evolve into something permanent and respectable. I have argued the case for the creation of a People’s Congress that operates outside the current political system.
The current political system is far too entrenched in its rotten ways to think that we can simply vote better politicians into office. My complete case for the creation of a Peoples Congress as the only way out our collective nightmare is presented in A Movement to Unite All Good Will Movements: The Occupy Movement Anticipated. Our collective problems can only be addressed collectively.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Feeling Stronger

Since I have been working out every day I feel stronger and I am having less pain in my back and joints. My shoulder injury from a year ago is gone, though I can tell I do have to be careful. It is so much better though and being free of pain is a wonderful thing. Now if I can work harder to lose a few pounds I'll be rockin'. Inspiration is all around me.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Ominous Clouds

Got to start working on the Christmas letter. A lot has happened this year I guess, though nothing too exciting. Changed jobs, Dan joined the Navy...

The clouds on the way home were so dramatic, and looked like they would dump huge amounts of snow at any moment. Not snow yet, though. The sun was shining towards the west, and there was blue sky. And the dark menacing clouds were headed east, and looming over Greenlake and Wallingford. Glad I arrived home before it got dark. Hey, now it's time to go out and get a pizza for friday night dinner before the sun sets completely.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Creative Endeavors

I want to pursue some creative sideline activity. The good news is I now have a schedule that will allow that. I'd like to do somethings besides working, cleaning, sleeping, eating, and exercising. Though all those things are necessary, and even fulfilling sometimes. I like the idea of taking time every day to create something new. Like taking time every day to exercise, it is important to my healthy existence.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Perspectives on Getting Along

I have a new job and new relationships to finesse. It's been interesting getting to know my new coworkers these past couple of months. I have to remind myself of the best ways to deal with different types of people, and remember that sometimes silence is the best way to proceed.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Lovely Day

Hello Blogiwog. Well, I have to say, I tried to post on tumblr and their network wasn't having any of it! Very disappointing!

I have had a very enjoyable day at home with my family, taking care of this and that and spending some relaxing time with the people I love.

It has been a very sad weekend newswise. I wonder about our society and how we can evolve into an existence of compassionate and thoughtful people. The state of affairs seem to say we are a people absorbed in greed, gluttony, power-mongering and"what's-in-it-for-me".

I hope we can get back to a sense of compassion. As Donovan says, "the Social Web is the New Sixties". There is something right in that, I think.

New Blog on Tumblr

I am trying out Tumblr,, and may move my blog there in time. Though I treasure you, Blogiwog, even if I have not been a very devoted blogger.

Your simple layout and functionality is great. I need to get to know my way around Tumblr a bit to see if it is really for me.

Until later, Blogi...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Back again

Here I am, Blogiwog, back again after a long absence. I was missing my dad, and wishing he was here to talk to. We used to have such good conversations. As he got older, and more forgetful, and more worried about things on a daily basis, it seemed like time just passed by us and we lost those chances to sit down and talk about things. I really miss that. And I think there is something irreplaceable about what you have with a parent–a familiarity–a feeling that someone knows you and loves you so well, so unconditionally, that when they are gone from your life, you don't really feel the loss completely...but in increments...slowly...throughout your entire life.