Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"Do your work, then step back."


I am finding the past days very enjoyable. The weather is warming up, the garden is planted, and work is becoming a better routine. A routine, yes...but not all bad. That word, routine, has such negative connotations. Sometimes routines are good, and tolerable...even preferable. The work I do is mostly satisfying, sometimes enjoyable, and usually not boring. There is a lot to be thankful for in that.

The sun is going down and a cool breeze is coming in through the window. Lots of bird song out there now. I love it. I was just hearing how scientists have studied bird song and that the birds learn specific bird songs. But they have to learn it to communicate, just like we humans learn language to communicate.

The birds are singing as the light fades. It is quiet and calm. Thinking of getting to bed early tonight.