Saturday, April 25, 2009


Did some more planting today, and Patrick and I put a netting over the raised beds, mostly to keep the cats out. Would hate to find those cats digging up our new little seedlings.

We have some strawberries up on the deck in hanging planters. We are hoping the squirrels will not get them this way, but the birds may be a different story. Tomorrow I'll be planting some herbs in a big pot which will go on the deck.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Getting Stuff Done

It's been a cloudy, rainy day, and the sun would not shine. I walked early in the morning, but mostly stayed inside, working on small design jobs, and puttering around. Time goes by fast when working on the laptop.

I have moved the zucchini sprouts out into the garden plot, 3 of them. I hope I don't regret it later. Pat suggested we keep one plant for just growing one, giant zucchini and entering it into the zucchini olympics at the end of summer. Worth a try, I guess.

I'm helping mom tomorrow, and meeting my old boss for dinner later. It should be fun, haven't seen her for awhile. The news from the old place should be interesting. We're meeting up on Capital Hill at a place called Café Presse.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Garden Prep

The sprouts are growing and getting bigger. Today I added some worm castings to the garden plots and actually planted some tomato starts and a pepper. Our seedlings are doing well and I have transplanted the lettuce into small pots. The egg carton compartments only hold so much.

I am looking forward to moving the seedlings into the garden in the next two weeks. I will have to move them to the deck during the day for hardening off, and once it warms up a little bit more, it's show time!

Here's to sun, and growth, and future salads!